mardi 24 février 2015

The day my Excel skill leveled up!

“Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible.” 
 Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein probably knew that there is a difference between knowing Excel and Mastering it. It is now my turn to realize that with Excel everything becomes possible you just have to be patient (super patient).

Level 1 

Acknowledging that in Excel you can do anything you want is probably the most difficult step to become a better Excel user. I started the week by thinking "all you can do is multiply, divide and make funky graphs".

Level 2 

You now need good Googling skills to find the right answers and formulas to whatever you want to do in your document. Even if you don't know the name of the functions you are about to use you can find them easily by typing what they do.

Level 3 

The best way to gain experience and level up when you work in a big open space is by actually going to see the most people possible and ask them how you could improve your document or how to use specific functions to get from point A to point AB.

I've learned a lot like that but also by browsing a few cool forums and youtube channels.

My Inventory of 5 Links to get better at Excel

  1. VitaminCM Channel on Youtube (EN)
  2. Excelforum (EN)
  3. Exceljet (EN)
  4. mdf-xlpages (FR)
  5. Developpez forum (FR)
I can now erase "Mastering the V Lookup Function" from my bucket list!

dimanche 1 février 2015

Final Week in Geneva

A lot of thing going on right now so here's a little recap of these last few months.

I finished my last classes at CREA Genève with a great E-commerce themed lecture and with visits of and somfy which was a great experience. The only thing standing between me and the Diploma is the awesome Internship I'm about to start in 8 days at BnP Paribas Fortis with the Social Media team in Brussels.

Most importantly, the Lift15 is about to start and I've been working with the entire team to make this 10th anniversary event enter in the memories of all the participants! I'm really excited about the talks I will be attending and meeting the most interesting people on earth for 3 days. 

Then I've been working on this great project with Dr.Rando from University of Geneva on a Kickstarter campaign to analyse 1000 different beers and make a comparative App for beer lovers. We are participating in the contest to be the first projects in the Kickstarter Science category and I'm looking forward to getting the results! Check out our Facebook page
This project is also done with members of BeOpenLab the future Collaborative Lab / Making Space in Geneva.

Edit: Selected by Kickstarter!

 Can't wait to see the logo printed on T-shirts and Lab Coats


Thanks for reading.